Halloween is over. Or put another way, it’s now officially Christmas!
How do I know? Because as we were driving home on Saturday night, I almost drove into a ditch twisting my neck to look at the homeowner on Castle Heights, who had their home completely outlined in Christmas lights and had placed, not one, but two Christmas trees by their front windows, all decked out in Christmas glory for the entire world to see.
Now that’s confidence! Props to you ma’am! You are the boss of all bosses!
Whoever this bold master of ceremonies is — she is shouting it out loud and clear — ‘we are officially doing Christmas twice this year — once at Thanksgiving and once at Christmas’!
And to whoever you are, I salute you!
And as we know, it just takes one brave soul to lead the way.
Everyone in town must have seen the same house that I did, because within days I’ve now seen all sorts of Christmas tree posts on social media where friends and family have all their Christmas up and out on full display.
And no one is sorry, nor bashful, or ashamed about it. Quite the opposite, and with each post, I hit “LOVE” because I am ‘Team Christmas’ all the way!
In October, I put a few random pumpkins on the mantels, lit my pumpkin spice candle and enjoyed a cup or two of pumpkin laced coffee. But as far as I’m concerned, that’s good enough. My kids are grown and flown and I don’t have the energy to hunt down their pilgrim placemats nor pull out their crumpled hand print turkeys yet again this year.
Instead, I’m ready for something a little more soothing. Cue the Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music now.
Thankfully, I work with many like-minded people who’ve already started wearing Christmas sweaters, strung lights on their desks and are officially playing Christmas music in our front lobby.
That is…if you are ‘Team Christmas’. If you are ‘Team Thanksgiving’, well, this may not be your year.
My husband claims to be ‘Team Thanksgiving’, but that’s a lie. In reality, he just isn’t ‘Team Get the Christmas Stuff out of the Attic’.
“No. I’m not getting the trees down. It’s not even close to Thanksgiving. First you do the turkey, then you do Christmas, that’s just how it works.” he tries to argue as if he were ever ‘Team Thanksgiving’.
“A turkey isn’t soothing! You can’t light up a turkey and there is no music for Thanksgiving! I bemoan as I threaten to get Christmas out by myself. And, we all know, that won’t be good for anyone.
“Have at it. I’m watching college football, which is another sign it’s not Christmas,” he tells me, as I start wading through the attic.
Six hours later, and I’m sipping hot chocolate, looking at my first Christmas tree of the season.
‘Team Didn’t Help Me’ walks in and I grab the remote to turn the music on. My Christmas lights turn on and off to ‘Feliz Navidad’, and I love every stinking minute of it.
“You are not well”, he comments.
“Yeah, I know,” I respond.
It’s probably going to be the battle of the teams right up until Turkey day, but then ‘Team Excuses’ is going to have no choice but to start stringing up those outside lights all around our rooftop.
But until then, yes, that will be me, driving slowly up and down Castle Heights, admiring the Queen Bee’s beautiful house, that officially started Christmas for all of us ‘Team Christmas’ devotees.
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